I have just recently started a fresh position at KPMG as Head of Innovation Advisory. This is a very thrilling opportunity both for me, for KPMG and for KPMG’s clients, as their aspirations are very high, my profile fits very well into KPMG’s ambitions, and this is a consulting field in which a player like KPMG must create a strong presence to remain on top. With its 190.000 employees (1.600 in Sweden) and offices in 150+ countries KPMG is expected by its clients to have the most modern and innovative services, so this is what we are now building for their innovation management practice.
I will be part of the Digital Transformation & Innovation department where the innovation services are intended to help KPMG’s clients develop a strong innovation management system so that they can much more easily adopt digital services. Because simply put – if your organization have problems adopting new innovations, there will be problems adopting new digital services, and if you don’t digitize your organization you will soon be left out in the cold. So a strong innovation management system is the foundation for change and thus to keep competitive.
My responsibilities at KPMG will be somewhat three-fold:
Providing an innovation management services portfolio
My first and foremost responsibility is to build the innovation management consulting practice. So the first activity is to create a complete service portfolio. (Well, second to presenting a business plan for the field..) With the quality profile KPMG has, it is vital that each service is of the outmost quality and that the portfolio is completely comprehensive. The portfolio needs to contain both strategy services and operational innovation services to construct fully-fledged innovation management systems from A to Z for any type of client. With the services coming into play the next step is to start staffing the consulting practice with qualified consultants and start training them accordingly. This is all exciting work and I am looking forward to every day of it!
Becoming part of KPMG’s global network
Another quite important responsibility is to connect with KPMG’s other innovation management units internationally. There are already a great number of existing innovation management services within KPMG on which Sweden will recapitalize. They have strong practices in the US, in Australia, the Netherlands, Poland, etc, and I will immediately start connecting with them so that we can share experiences and collaboratively build the world’s most comprehensive innovation management service offering.
Supporting KPMG’s own innovation system
Last but not least I need to make sure that KPMG Sweden is organized and prepared for the transformation that is required when shifting to a much more innovative state. To be able to deliver innovation services the internal organization must be set up accordingly, which requires top management support, major internal activities and an overall shift in mindset, culture and appliance. This is important and intriguing work to be done and if everything goes as planned, KPMG itself will experience a tremendous evolutionary step forward that will consequentially have an extremely positive effect on its clients.
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